Featured Big Hearted Gamer: Siebren “Aevumdecessus” Bakker

We support the gamers who play games and volunteer for charity. BigHeartedGamers.com wants to recognize people who support their communities, locally or at large.

What was the game that turned you into a gamer?

Super Mario on the NES that my dad bought.

What video game charities do you play or volunteer for?

Extra Life and Child’s Play Charity, as well.

Do you volunteer or support any non-gaming charities?

Feed My Starving Children.

What made you decide to play for charity?

As soon as I found out that it was a thing, I created the Fragforce team for my coworkers and dove right into it. It’s been an amazing journey of 3 years, getting bigger and better each year at raising funds!

What are some of your most rewarding experiences in gaming for charity?

Being invited to play at Extra Life United 2017 and having the opportunity to attend the Champion’s Medal Ceremony for the kids was an eye-opening and amazing experience for me.

What is your defining “Big Hearted Gaming” moment?

Helping teach a child to play Minecraft even though her older sibling insisted she was too young for it (hint, she wasn’t :-D).

What are some of your prominent successes or memories?

Starting an Extra Life team in 2015, raising $15k the first year, and increasing it to over $100k in 2016 with events across 8 of my company’s offices.

Thank you Siebren! You can support Siebren and his endeavors with gaming for charity on the Fragforce donation page.

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