Featured Big Hearted Gamer: Tim “xxDeftNinjaxx”

We support the gamers who play games and volunteer for charity. BigHeartedGamers.com wants to recognize people who support their communities, locally or at large.

What was the game that turned you into a gamer?

Super Mario Bros. 3. It’s the first game I recall beating as a kid.

What video game charities do you play or volunteer for?

Extra-Life. I’ve been team captain of Control Alt Defeat for my third year now and I’m currently the Marketing/PR chair for my local Extra-Life guild.

Do you volunteer or support any non-gaming charities?

No, I’ve become so involved in Extra-Life at this point that I have no time for other charities or volunteer work and I’m content with that.

What made you decide to play for charity?

Watching Rooster Teeth’s Extra-Life stream before the event was national piqued my interest. When I learned I could support my local CMN hospital it sealed the deal.

How do you promote your campaigns?

During our 2016 campaign I offered to eat a grasshopper for every person who donated $100. I guess it’s both a blessing and a curse that I only had to eat one.

What are some of your most rewarding experiences in gaming for charity?

Meeting the champions from the individual CMN Hospitals. Those kids are so tough and so unbelievably cool under a ton of pressure. It’s great to see first hand the kids you’re helping and gives a great deal of perspective of the cause along with life as a whole.

What is your defining “Big Hearted Gaming” moment?

My big hearted gaming moment came at Extra-Life ​United 2017. It was a humbling experience to meet so many gamers who are dedicated to such a great cause. The tournament participants were there to complete, but looking around the room the first night they weren’t acting like it. This was a group of gamers actively participating in games and conversations with kids from the CMN Hospitals, and everyone involved was having a great time. Spending just a short amount of time with gamers like Loomin, Hansard, Indomitable_dp, and Jack Patillo, to name just a few, made me fully realize the potential of Extra-Life. I feel like my fellow Extra-Lifers are family and I’m grateful and proud to game alongside each one of them.

What are some of your prominent successes or memories?

Finishing first at Extra-Life United 2017 and bringing $21,000 back to the hospital. It was beyond my personal expectations and goal for the event. Especially after meeting the one and only Loomin in 8 total matches. It was surreal to spend a weekend with so many awesome people with a common goal.

Thank you Tim! You can support Tim and his endeavors with gaming for charity on his Extra Life participant page.

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